A great audio program

Occasionally, I'll hear something on the radio that just won't let me leave my car. NPR has a phrase for these - driveway moments. Tonight was one such case.

I was coming back from a meeting of the Lakeside Cycling Club and was tuned to KCUR listening to This American Life. Tonight's program, Episode 282, was about a man who was wrongly convicted of murder and served more than 20 years in prison. This is a story about what can happen when the system goes wrong, but more importantly it is the story of a friend who wouldn't give up. Carl King spent 21 years working for his friend. Talking to anyone who would listen. Hoping against what would seem like insurmountable odds that he could prove what he knew - his friend was innocent.

This is well worth the hour long listen. You can listen to it here in RealAudio format, or you can purchase a CD of the program for $13. If you enjoy radio, consider purchasing this as an investment in the excellent shows that This American Life puts on. I don't want to ruin the end of it, but you've got to listen to the point that the lawyer makes at the end. Very, very powerful.