MTS07 - Windows Mobile in a Nutshell

Loke Uei - lokeuei@
Clark Butler - clarkb@

They have the .NET Micro Framework which covers small devices (watches, etc.) that work on under 300k. Windows Embedded which works on a larger devices and is broken down into three parts. Windows Mobile is built on top of Windows CE (one of the Embedded packages).

They've had a hands-on demo with a bunch of mobile devices. I managed to kill one in bluetooth - it hung while searching for other devices.

As far as development goes - the usual suspects. Flash, Java, AJAX via Pocket IE, etc. Some of the live demos included things like "Women grows nipple on feet" and something about jesuit priests and sex.

The best quote: "Umm... I guess I should sanitize my demo a little bit." :-)

This is the second presentation that's had "there's more things coming, but I can't tell you yet." Sounds like they haven't got the timing thing down yet.