Starting a New Chapter

Have you ever read a book where there's an empty page between chapters? You finish the chapter, turn the next page, and nothing's there. Quickly, you turn to the next page to make sure your book didn't ship with a page that went unprinted. It didn't, but it does give you that brief moment of pause.

I just turned to a blank page. I know there's a new chapter getting ready to start, but I'm going to take a moment to savor the green field that is that blank page. This week is my last Ning.

I've spent a lot of time and done a lot of soul searching, and just felt that it isn't the correct place for me right now. The team at Ning is truly amazing. I've never worked on a team with as much depth as the one they've assembled. Everyone there is a rock star. That said, I need something different.

I don't know what's next... yet. There's lots of great ideas out there and I have a few personal projects I want to spend some time on:

  • PHPT is is dire need of finishing and documenting. It runs, but doesn't handle everything in php-src which is it's true test.
  • I want to spend a bit of time with YABT. I've got some ideas I want to try out and see if they work.
  • I've been "learning" Cocoa and Objective C for something like 5 months now, I want to get actually get proficient in it as there's a few apps that no one else has done yet that I'm going to write.
  • I'm getting the itch to write more. That means more blogging and I have a few ideas swirling about for books. I said I'd never spend another summer writing, but I might just if one of these ideas gets some traction.
  • And as they say... and so much more.

Sounds like tons to do. Of course, I can't spend all of my time working on my pet projects, unless I find a benefactor/patron (and if you fit that description and are looking for someone to sponsor, please do email me), so if you're looking for a senior level PHP dev and have an interesting concept, drop me a line or leave a comment.